In general, the country is presently trending toward the day when all same-sex couples will be eligible to enjoy the same marital rights and benefits as those afforded to heterosexual couples. On this blog, we summarized events that transpired wherein representatives...
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Month: November 2014
Children need their dads for emotional support
Being a father can be both rewarding and challenging. The rewards come from spending time with your child and teaching them things. A good dad wants to help his children develop so they can have a happy, productive life. No doubt, the challenges are legion. From...
Child support collection in Texas recognized for excellence
Single parents with children typically have a lot on their plate. Maintaining a home with children has so many demands. A steady stream of income is necessary for everything from food, clothing and shelter to treats and birthday presents. This is why it is important...
Amenable child custody agreement can help provide stability
For the sake of their emotional well-being, children need stability in the home. Household stability begins with the parents. Parents should do what they can to provide an environment that allows a child to feel at ease. A home that is filled with strife can take a...