In the midst of a divorce, Texas residents have a seemingly endless list of things to address. Decisions must be made about everything from what to do with a house to who gets the dishes and more. Eventually some matters are resolved but one item that continues on is...
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Month: May 2018
Same-sex parents and child support
Divorce can be more complicated for same-sex couples in Texas if they have children. People usually need to consider factors such as child support and child custody.Some people may think that they will only need to pay child support if they adopted their...
What can happen to a child after parental rights are terminated?
The road can be rough for children in Texas who are living in an unstable family situation. In some cases, the courts may decide to terminate parental rights for the children’s protection and well-being. If this occurs, other complications may arise, and it is...
Could your spouse withhold income to affect your child support?
As you know, the child support your ex-spouse pays is based on his or her income. It can be frustrating, as well as problematic, if your ex is dishonest about income to avoid paying what you are entitled to receive in child support. Being a single parent in Texas is...
The challenges of raising your grandchildren
Like any grandparent in Texas, you love your grandchildren and want what is best for them. However, at the , we know that many grandparents across the country are faced with the unexpected task of raising their grandkids instead of having...