Child custody issues are not the total province of divorcing couples with children. The fact is, many Texas couples choose to have children while forgoing marriage altogether. And the absence of a marriage license does not automatically mean an absence of child...
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Attorney Working For You
Month: May 2015
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What is the process for modifying a child support order?
Time does not stand still after all the terms have been set and a divorce has been finalized. In fact, the passage of time can see many changes in the lives of divorced couples. As such, the specifics laid out in a child support order may at some point need to be...
Are military divorces handled differently than civilian divorces?
If you or your spouse are in the military and you are facing a divorce, you may wonder if your divorce will be handled differently than a civilian one. The answer is yes, certain items are handled differently such as where to file the divorce, and how visitation...