There are some things in life you wish had never happened. The haircut you had in your senior pictures, your horrible first job – even the marriage you now feel trapped in. Like many Texas residents with less-than-ideal marriages, you might feel like your only...
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Month: July 2018
The drawbacks of sole and joint custody
Texan parents have two primary options to choose from when they're divorcing and dealing with matters of child custody. One option is called sole custody, in which one parent is the primary custodian. The other is joint custody, in which the primary care position...
Can you help your child transition during your divorce?
You and your spouse are wrapped in the ever-complicated process of getting a divorce in Texas. While you are consumed with making important decisions about finances, living arrangements and alimony support, you are also faced with the difficult decision of telling...
How does the mediation process work?
You and your spouse are preparing to file for divorce. You have some disputes, but neither of you feel very enthusiastic about going to court. In fact, you are both amenable to the idea of resolving your disagreements through mediation, but you aren’t sure if...
How does divorce affect dads?
A great deal of attention is focused on how divorce affects women, especially financially and emotionally. While it is true that divorce can have a devastating impact on women, especially single mothers, the truth is that divorce is usually hard on everyone in Texas...