Divorce can be expensive. And we’re not talking about legal fees and court costs. We’re talking about the transfer of wealth that occurs through property division and decisions on child support and alimony. If you’re heading into a high-asset divorce, then the stakes...
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4 benefits of having a forensic accountant in your divorce
A high-asset divorce in Texas can be extraordinarily contentious. And the outcome of your marriage dissolution can affect your financial positioning for a long time to come. Although our state is a community property state, meaning that you should receive an equal...
How does marital misconduct impact a Texas family law case?
Texas residents get divorced for many reasons. One of the most common causes for a couple splitting up is some form of mistreatment or misbehavior. Known under state law as marital misconduct, it encompasses several grounds for divorce including adultery and abuse....
Understanding comingling assets in a Texas divorce
Community assets are assets that are acquired during the marriage while separate assets are those acquired prior to marriage or after separation. This sounds simple in theory, but property division often becomes much more complicated due to the concept of comingling....
Infidelity and divorce in Texas
When a couple first gets married, they may promise to forsake all others and be faithful to each other. Unfortunately, a spouse may end up breaking their promise by getting romantically involved with a person outside of their marriage without their spouse’s consent....
Five key issues to address in your gray divorce
Divorces involving individuals over the age of 50 have become known as gray divorces. They have become exceedingly common, too, with some studies showing as many as a third of married couples in this age bracket end up getting divorced. And those who find themselves...
How can you deal with a lying spouse in your divorce?
When you attempt to negotiate divorce settlement, you and your spouse are going to have to be honest with each other in terms of what you want and need post-divorce, as well as what you think is best for your children. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, in many...
Don’t make these mistakes when going through divorce
On its face, divorce might seem straightforward. You and your spouse untangle your assets, figure out a parenting schedule, and go your separate ways. But the truth is that many marriage dissolutions are much more complicated. Agreements are unlikely to be reached on...
How to tell your children that you’re getting divorced
When your marriage is on the rocks and you start thinking about divorce, you might find yourself overwhelmed by everything you have to do to ready yourself for the future. This includes gathering relevant financial documentation and preparing a post-divorce budget,...
Is divorce mediation right for you?
If your marriage is headed toward divorce, you might conjure images of hard-fought battles that are laced with contentiousness and harsh statements. But your marriage dissolution doesn’t have to head to trial in a full-blown adversarial process. Instead, you can...