To many Texas fathers, paternity may seem like a straightforward matter: either you are the father of a child or you are not. However, the establishment of paternity is not so simple in the eyes of the law, and we at the have seen men...
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Fathers’ Rights
Studies show benefits of involved fathers
It is not surprising that both mothers and fathers play a crucial role in their children’s lives. When parents file for divorce, however, children often get stuck between homes, either in the sole-custody of one parent or traveling back and forth between...
Do dads get depressed after divorce?
When it comes to the emotional and psychological impact of divorce on people, much of the attention is focused on mothers. Of course, women have many valid reasons to suffer psychologically after a divorce. However, the same applies to dads in Texas and elsewhere....
What is a Disneyland dad?
Like any father in Texas, you want to have fun and make memories with your children when it’s your turn to have them over. Your visitation plans might include taking them out to eat, a night at the movies and maybe even a trip to a theme park. Unfortunately,...
Understanding a paternity suit
At the in Texas, we know how distressed you can become when you have children, but their mother not only refuses to let you see them, but also to admit that you are their father. Unfortunately, when it comes to parenthood, biology really...
How does divorce affect dads?
A great deal of attention is focused on how divorce affects women, especially financially and emotionally. While it is true that divorce can have a devastating impact on women, especially single mothers, the truth is that divorce is usually hard on everyone in Texas...
Can an unmarried father get full custody?
As a Texas father, you want to spend as much time as possible with your children. If you are divorced, however, or if you and your children’s mother were never married, you may be hesitant to attempt to gain full custody of your children. You may be under the...
How fathers can prepare for their children’s future
Divorced or unmarried Texas fathers can face great challenges in winning custody or visitation rights to their children, but one important duty that should not be neglected is preparing for their children’s future. Even a father who has not married his...
Why kids fare better when they know their fathers
Every child across Texas deserves to know who his or her father is, and research suggests that those who maintain at least some degree of a relationship with their fathers ultimately fare better in many different areas of life. At the , we...
Paternity leave: what Texas fathers should know
Young Texas fathers may not be aware many can take unpaid paternity leave from their jobs when their families grow by childbirth or adoption, or when a child or spouse is sick. FindLaw seeks to make families aware of this provision the Family and Medical Leave...