As an individual who has been committed to their profession for a significant time, you’ve earned your pension benefits. And these benefits can provide a substantial amount of financial support as you head into retirement. If you’re going through divorce, though, then...
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Property Division
How are businesses valued during a Texas divorce?
Texas is a community property state, meaning that state law requires marital assets to be divided fairly. Which assets fall into the marital estate can be a contentious question in your divorce, and the answer can have a profound impact on your post-divorce financial...
Five key considerations in your high-asset divorce
A high-asset divorce can be hard fought. Although you may be inclined to try to avoid that conflict, doing so could leave you in a less advantageous position as you move into your post-divorce life. So, as you figure out how to navigate your high-asset divorce, you...
Real estate portfolio division in Texas divorce
In Texas divorce, the court divides all marital property fairly between spouses. Marital property is any asset that couples acquire while married, so if you invested in real estate after exchanging your vows, chances are they'll be up for division upon your...
Executive compensation and divorce
When high-net-worth people in Texas divorce, there can be unique complications. Many of these are related to dividing the assets and debts the couple shared. For example, executives don't earn just a salary. Their pay is often a combination of bonuses, stock, stock...
How to handle a no-contract route during divorce
While it is unfortunate, divorce cases in Texas are quite common. Divorce is a challenging process that can make both parties vulnerable and emotional. Separation is hard, and splitting assets that you collectively acquired is even more challenging. Even so, it is...
Separating joint credit card debt during divorce
Divorce is an extremely emotional experience for most people going through the process. While it can take a physical as well as a psychological toll, it’s crucial to keep it from inflicting financial wounds. While it’s essential to fight for your fair share of marital...
Texas divorce: Is your spouse hiding assets?
Deciding to file a petition in a Texas court to end a marriage typically brings about many life changes, as well as emotional upheaval. Regardless of what events transpired or what unresolved issues led to your decision, one of your main goals may be to settle your...
How is property split when going through a divorce in Texas?
When working through the divorce process, it is not uncommon for spouses to argue about assets. The goal, for most, is to walk away with at least 50% of the shared assets, but that does not happen in every case, despite Texas being a community property state. Several...
You don’t have to give up your marital home
Life gets complicated when you go through a divorce. From figuring out finances to dealing with child custody, you probably feel overwhelmed. One of the last things you may feel like doing is moving, so staying in the marital home is important to you. Like a lot of...