Caring Guidance Through The Adoption Process
Adoption is the legal process of welcoming a child or adult into your family. It carries with it all of the responsibilities, rights and duties of having a child naturally, and likewise is a cause for celebration for all families who adopt. For many years, I have helped clients adopt children, bringing hope, joy, and love to the children being adopted and to the families adopting them.
Adoption Information
There are two forms of adoption, which are:
- Agency-placed adoptions
- Nonagency-placed adoptions
Agency-placed adoptions occur when a child is in the custody of either a governmental agency (i.e., Texas Department of Family and Protective Services) or a licensed child-placement agency. The particular agency has legal custody of the child after the natural parent’s rights have been terminated, and then the agency agrees to the placement of the child in your care and to the eventual adoption by you.
Nonagency-placed adoptions occur when no governmental or private agency is involved and the parents or legal guardian agrees to place the child in your care and to the eventual adoption by you. In this case, the parental rights of the natural parents would be terminated by an agreement and then the prospective parents would proceed with the agreed adoption.
Quite often, nonagency-placed adoptions involve adoptions between family members. This form of adoption also includes adoptions by stepparents. Stepparent adoptions are a very common occurrence, particularly when one of the natural parents is not active in the life of the child. In this instance, the nonactive natural parent’s rights would have to be terminated first, either by agreement or through court order, and then the stepparent would be free to seek adoption of their stepchild.
For either form of adoption, I would highly recommend that you use the services of an experienced and skilled family law attorney to advise and represent you through the process. Whether you are seeking an adoption through agency placement or nonagency placement, I have the experience and skill you need and deserve for your representation.
Help You Can Trust
Adoption is a very complicated process that offers a very fulfilling reward. If you are looking for legal representation for your adoption, contact my Texas offices by calling 210-570-9977 or email me to schedule your initial consultation today.