Working Through High-Asset Divorces
Couples with a high net worth need extra legal protection during divorce. Individuals who have accumulated wealth must take care to protect their share of marital finances and other assets. Failing to do so may result in losing a significant portion of the assets they have acquired.
At the Law Offices of Keith E. Holloway, high net worth clients trust me to protect their rights and property in divorce. I have represented business owners, doctors, architects and other people with professional practices. I can also represent the spouses of high net worth individuals. Each of these parties may have different legal needs during divorce, and I have the experience to represent either one. To schedule a free consultation, please call 210-570-9977 today.
Representation To Protect Your Financial Future
Your attorney must have the skill to protect your interests in complex property division. I understand that it is critical to accurately value marital assets prior to property division. I work with the appropriate financial and appraisal experts to value businesses, real estate and high-value personal property.
When determining spousal support in a high-asset divorce, the standard of living during the marriage is often a highly contested issue. I will work to balance the reasonable needs of the party receiving support with the couple’s former standard of living. If one party worked to support the education or training of the other, that may be an important factor when negotiating spousal support.
In some cases, one spouse may be compensated with a greater share of a marital asset in exchange for spousal support. We can discuss what is best in your case.
Speak With An Experienced Lawyer To Learn More
Please call my San Antonio office at 210-570-9977 or contact me online to schedule a free consultation.