Seeking Alternative Resolutions Through Mediation
In family law, mediation is often used to resolve disputes because it allows the parties to discuss solutions in a friendly setting. Unlike a trial, which is an adversarial process, mediation is more relaxed and is focused on reaching an agreement rather than winning or losing.
At the Law Offices of Keith E. Holloway, I represent clients in Texas at family law mediation sessions. Whether it is an informal session without a mediator or a formal session with a mediator, I can protect your rights and ensure that you understand your options. If the mediation process is not successful, I will represent you at trial. However, most cases that are submitted to mediation do, in fact, get resolved. To schedule a free consultation, please call 210-570-9977.
Keeping Your Case Out Of The Courtroom
Resolving a case in mediation is less stressful and less expensive than going to trial. When children are involved, mediation is a good option because it does not usually cause further damage to relationships.
People may be required by the court to go to mediation if their case is complex or high-conflict. Court-ordered mediation may be required in getting divorced, child custody, support for your children and modifications.
The atmosphere of a mediation session is not as demanding as a trial so the parties often feel more comfortable discussing their needs. Because the goal is a compromise, the discussion is typically more productive than adversarial.
It is also important to point out that all settlement offers made, all discussions between the parties and/or the mediator, and all information exchanged between the parties during the mediation are barred from being used later in court if the mediation is unsuccessful. This rule helps the mediation process by promoting an open and free exchange of settlement ideas between the parties.
Formal mediation sessions are attended by the mediator, each party and his or her lawyer. The mediator is a neutral third party whose job is to help the parties reach an agreement. The mediator does not have the authority to make decisions.
Unlike a trial, mediation sessions do not take place in a courtroom. They are held in offices, and the parties can remain in separate rooms if they do not wish to communicate with each other directly. In these situations, the attorneys can meet with the mediator and then discuss the options with their clients privately.
Contact Me To Discuss Mediation
Mediation can offer you a method of protecting your best interests while also saving you considerable amounts of time and money. Mediation is different from uncontested divorce, so make sure you understand the difference as well as your option my contacting me. Please call my San Antonio office at 210-570-9977 or contact me online to schedule a free consultation.