At the , we understand that child support payments may be a financial burden to many Texans. However, we also know that the consequences for non-payment of child support are serious. In most cases, you might face the loss of your...
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Attorney Working For You
Month: August 2018
How do children of same-sex parents fare emotionally?
“A child needs both a mother and a father to have the best chance in life.” As a parent in a same-sex marriage, you may have heard this phrase often. Understandably, it can be enough to make you see red. You and your spouse love your children as much as...
What is an inconvenient forum and how may it benefit you?
It goes without saying that change is the only certainty in your life. For instance, you may have obtained a Texas divorce in which you received primary custody of your children. Your employer subsequently may have given you a wonderful promotion that necessitated...
Understanding a paternity suit
At the in Texas, we know how distressed you can become when you have children, but their mother not only refuses to let you see them, but also to admit that you are their father. Unfortunately, when it comes to parenthood, biology really...