As the spring gets well underway, are you part of one of the many couples in Texas planning a summer wedding? If so, how detailed have you and your future spouse gotten in conversations about finances? Have you considered a prenuptial agreement? If you think that...
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Month: March 2017
Can relocation negatively affect your child?
As a parent in San Antonio with primary custody of your child, you have many different factors to consider if you ever wish to relocate. For example, will it benefit your child? Will it provide them with more opportunities to grow or flourish? Or will it possibly...
How does child support work in Texas?
Are you the divorcing parent of a child in Texas? If so, you or your future former spouse may be required to make child support payments. Whether you are the parent who is ordered to pay support or the parent who may receive such support, it is important for you to...
The basics of interstate custody disputes, Part 1
Almost every state has passed the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (except Massachusetts and Vermont). Prior to the UCCJEA, state courts would often compete with one another for jurisdiction over a case. Essentially, if a parent did not like the...
Co-parenting for the children’s benefit
When a couple in Texas decides to get divorced, no matter the reason, it is generally safe to assume that the spouses were unable to work successfully together in some form. When that couple has minor children, however, they must find ways to work together even after...