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The drawbacks of sole and joint custody

On Behalf of | Jul 20, 2018 | Child Support |

Texan parents have two primary options to choose from when they’re divorcing and dealing with matters of child custody. One option is called sole custody, in which one parent is the primary custodian. The other is joint custody, in which the primary care position is shared. Each have their own unique benefits and drawbacks. Today, we’ll take a look at the drawbacks.

Findlaw describes joint custody situations as ones in which both of the parents have an equal share of responsibility over raising their child. This means both parents have a say in things like the child’s religion, medical choices, schooling choices, and more. The major drawback to this is that there are some situations where joint custody simply isn’t a feasible option. If one parent is in the military or jail, they won’t be present. Additionally, situations in which one parent had a history of abuse or neglect eliminates this option.

Very Well Family looks into sole custody, where there’s one primary caretaker who makes all important decisions regarding the child. The main drawback to this is that sole custody is actually shown to be more of a detriment to kids than joint custody. Children of this custody type tend to have more mental, emotional and physical health issues as they grow. They have a harder time adjusting to the new situation and can develop behavioral problems. Most professionals agree that joint custody is in the best interest of a child.

In the end, the choice depends on what a parent’s current needs are, what is in the child’s best interest, and which arrangement will benefit them the most.
