If you are a father who is facing the prospect of divorce, you may be worried that you will not receive fair treatment in regard to having access to your children. This is a very common fear and many fathers believe that the courts make decisions that are unfairly biased in favor of mothers when it comes to child custody matters.
This is hardly a new phenomenon and the advent of the so-called fathers’ rights movement is a direct response. The fathers’ rights movement has its beginnings in the 1960s. Advocates of the time questioned decisions of the courts that left many men paying large sums in child support or alimony while granting them very limited visitation time with their children.
The fathers’ rights movement seeks remedies in many areas of concern. For example, supporters of fathers’ rights argue that shared parenting is the most beneficial form of custody for the child, as opposed to having primary custody granted to the mother by the court.
Another issue that is important to fathers’ rights advocates is that of parenting time interference. It can be difficult for a man to maintain a strong relationship with his children if the mother is restricting or preventing his access. And while a parent who does not provide access in the manner outlined in a court-ordered agreement may face civil contempt or felony charges, fathers’ rights supporters point out that having the matter corrected can be time-consuming and expensive.
This is just a sample of the kinds of custody-related legal issues the fathers’ rights movement would like to see more thoroughly addressed. Perhaps one day, all of these issues will be laid to rest, and there will no longer be a perceivable bias against fathers who only wish to have the opportunity to raise their children.
But as things stand, fathers who are hoping to get fair treatment in custody matters may want to seek the counsel and representation of a family law attorney. Having your own advocate could help protect your rights as a father.