Modifications Of Divorce Agreements
Even the most carefully drafted child custody and support agreements cannot predict the future. It is very common for families to need to make changes to one or both of these documents. The court allows either parent to request modifications to custody and child support orders.
Before you make a request, it is best to speak with a lawyer. People may think they know how a modification will work out, but laws may have changed since the orders were finalized. You do not want to take chances with your child’s future or your finances. I am attorney Keith Holloway. I have the Texas family law experience to guide you through modifications, whether you are the parent seeking or contesting the change. To schedule a free consultation, please call 210-570-9977.
Reasons People Change Court Orders
To modify custody agreements or support orders, there must be a significant change in circumstances of at least one of the parties or the children. It is not enough to decide that you are unhappy with the current arrangements.
Valid reasons to request a custody or visitation modification may include:
- A child wanting to live with the other parent
- A parent is relocating for a new job
- The death of the primary parent
- A parent being in jail or otherwise unfit
As it was in the initial custody determination, the best interest of the child is the standard during any modifications.
Some common reasons that parents seek to modify child support orders include:
- A change in a parent’s financial circumstances
- A job loss
- The health of a parent or child changes
- The child’s financial needs change significantly
- A parent remarries
- A parent has additional children
Modifications can be handled in negotiations or in mediation. However, if the parents cannot reach an agreement, the case will go to trial by a judge or a jury. Either way, I have the experience and knowledge that you need and deserve in your legal representation.
Learn More About Modifications Today
Please call my San Antonio office at 210-570-9977 or contact me online to schedule a free consultation.